
Goodbye Lawn

BEFORE…the front yard included a few ornamental plants and a large area of turf grass. Photo shows sheet mulching stage, with mulch effectively smothering former lawn to prepare for planting.

Hello, Camas Meadow!

AFTER…immediately post-planting. Drawing inspiration from Camassia in West Linn, the front yard was redesigned to include a cedar chip pathway to enjoy the more than 30 newly planted species of Northwest native plants including Camas and associated grasses and wildflowers.

Another Lawn Bites The Dust

BEFORE...Starting out with turf grass and sparsely planted ornamental plants.

Pollinator magnet. Water Efficient. No Mow.

AFTER...immediately post-planting. Pacific Northwest meadows inspired this design that includes dozens of drought tolerant native plant species and our client’s favorite non-native ornamentals. Boulders add dynamism while providing soil retention and microhabitats.

Backyard Blues

BEFORE... This backyard surrounded by gorgeous Doug Firs just needed some woodland magic, improved walkability and creative inspired design.

Woodland Wonderland

AFTER...Our clients asked for a Pacific Northwest woodland and we’re excited with how it came together! We addressed multiple site challenges including invasive species, steep slopes, drainage concerns and walkability. There’s nothing like a balance of stone, wood and lush verdant woodland plantings and this design has it all and we’re excited to see it grow over time!

Waste water or Rainy Opportunity?

BEFORE... Whenever possible it’s best to allow rain water to percolate on site. Sometimes conditions aren’t ideal, so make sure to read up on it, or talk with a designer or contractor before you decide on a rain garden. The semi-circular area in front of our client’s hedge was perfect for a rain garden.

Water Quality + Plant Diversity

AFTER... The rain garden is not only beneficial from a water quality perspective, it also allows for a greater diversity of plants including wetland plants. With more plant diversity, a greater diversity of beneficial insects are supported. Rain gardens can be an attractive and functional element of the garden!

Adding pop to the Front Walkway

In this front walkway design, we aimed to create excitement and visual interest while still fitting in with the traditional landscaping on this street which is part of an HOA.

We selected a blend of drought tolerant willamette valley native perennials and shrubs, plus a few ornamentals, with bloomtimes extending throughout the season. Manzanita and Red Flowering Currant provide focal points of unmatched beauty.

Backyard landscape design with flagstone patio, pergola, rain garden and native plants.

Backyard Landscape Plan

We pursued a balance of evergreen structure and seasonal bursts of color and surprise in this design integrating primarily Willamette Valley native plants.

Looking to create a more naturalistic feel, we chose flagstone pavers for the patio in a fluid shape. A rain chain and dry creek bed will convey stormwater to the new rain garden lit up by colorful shrubs and perennials with something of interest at all times of year.

We look forward to sharing photos and updates on this landscape as the installation takes shape over time!

Full Yard Landscape Plan

A unique angular lot provided the opportunity to show off our lovely native Hairy Manzanita accompanied by Oregon Stone Crop and Oregon Sunshine. The evergreen Manzanita was also selected to provide a degree of privacy at this busy intersection.

While looking for opportunities to keep the bumble bees busy, we also worked to design nature play opportunities for the kids and landed on a log play structure in the shape of a dragon fly!


HOA Bioswale Renovation

Design Native Northwest worked with a large HOA to develop a plan to modify this swale that filters and absorb stormwater from the complex. We proposed removing turf grass from the periphery of the swale which allowed for the planting of dozens of native perennials with bloom times extending throughout the growing season. The colors and textures of the new plants helped to enliven the swale into a more beautiful space with exponential benefits to birds and pollinators. The site is now certified Platinum with the Backyard Habitat Certification Program!

Don’t Forget the Side Yard!

Even this mostly shaded side yard needs some love! A meandering flagstone pathway designed to weave through native ferns, Evergreen Huckleberry and Fringecup makes this space fun and verdant!